Wednesday, February 26, 2014

If They Build It, They Will Eat It

Before leaving for winter break, the sixth grade students worked on a unit involving area and perimeter. During this unit, students learned the formulas for finding area and perimeter of several shapes; most notable, a rectangle. The end result of the unit for the students after they were able to show their understanding was to create a ginger bread house with given measurements. By using Begin with the End in Mind, the students had to draw a model of what their end result house would look like. Some students were quite surprised how closely their house resembled their drawing. 

Below are the students with their partner(s) & their final ginger bread house...
(Each class voted for the best, which is noted under each picture.)

Hour One Winners: Madison Kennedy & Lexis Oberndorfer

Hour Two Winners:  Makayla Parmeley & Cassidy Shoemate

Hour Three Winners: Brady Black & Collin Mangrum

Fourth Hour Winners: Nick DeClue & Chris Manzanero

Fifth Hour Winners: Braeden Lederle & David Mulnix

Seventh Hour Winners: Hunter Hutchison & Dayton Turner

We would like to thank local businesses for donating the supplies required to make the ginger bread houses: Washington Wal-Mart, Save-A-Lot, Country Mart, and Schnucks

Sunday, February 23, 2014

New Kid on the Blog

Welcome Miss Cora Marie Hanneken

On January 20th, 2014, our family welcomed Cora Marie Hanneken, weighing in at 7 pound 2 ounce & measuring 19 inches long. We have truly been blessed with this new addition. 

Her sister adores and loves her tremendously.
Her daddy could not be prouder.
And I think she is perfect.
Loving life. And loving my family!

Now time to get back into the swing of teaching... One more week left.