Thursday, June 5, 2014

Let's Try A New Tradition

This year, I thought it would be a great year to try and start a new tradition in the Junior High. Close to the finale of the school year, all students and staff went to the gymnasium to watch the first annual Teachers vs. 8th Grade volleyball game.

The 8th Graders who participated in the game are pictured below.

A picture of a few of the teachers who participated in the game are below.

Field Day Fun

Sixth grade Field Day was Thursday, May 22nd... 

The sixth grade teachers had fun spending time outside with the students by participating in some of the fun activities.

From Left to Right: Mrs. Beste, myself, Mr. Eads, Ms. Castor, Mrs. Via, Mr. Taylor, Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Dalton, and Mrs. Linton

Most of the teachers decided to participate in the Field Goal Kick activity...


It was a fun year working with these teachers. We will be losing a few of these special people and are sad to see them leave. Good luck in your endeavors, Ms. Castor and Mrs. Linton! Good luck to Mrs. Gordon in her new position at the Murray building. Here are more pictures from the fun day!

Going to miss these ladies! We shared so many stories, laughs, and great times! They became so much like part of the family! Wishing them all the best in their future endeavors. It's not GOOD-BYE because we will see each other again soon!

We've got MUSCLES! - Myself, Mr. Taylor, Mrs. Linton, & Mrs. Gordon

The beautiful ladies I had the privilege to work with this year! 2013-2014