Homecoming 2014
“The Red and Gray Standard”
Spirit Days: “The Red and Gray Standard”
Monday – Mission Homecoming: Dress up like a spy, superhero, or a supervillain. “Keep your mission in mind.”
Tuesday – Viva Las Vegas: Dress up like Elvis or base your outfit off one of the hotel themes to not gamble with your future. “Don’t gamble with your future!”
Wednesday – Board Games: Wear class colors (seniors-orange, juniors-green, sophomores-yellow, freshmen-blue) representing game pieces or dress up like a character from your favorite game. “Don’t play around with your life!”
Twister - Teacher Edition
Thursday – Blast From the Past: Dress from a past decade or as a movie character. “Learn from the past, live for the future!”
Friday – The Red and Gray Standard: Wear your favorite red and gray gear and your homecoming t-shirt. “Show school pride and our standard!”