Friday, October 3, 2014

Homecoming 2014

Homecoming 2014
“The Red and Gray Standard”

Spirit Days:  “The Red and Gray Standard”
MondayMission Homecoming: Dress up like a spy, superhero,  or a supervillain.  “Keep your mission in mind.”
TuesdayViva Las Vegas: Dress up like Elvis or base your outfit off one of the hotel themes to not gamble with your future. “Don’t gamble with your future!”

WednesdayBoard Games: Wear class colors (seniors-orange, juniors-green, sophomores-yellow, freshmen-blue) representing game pieces or dress up like a character from your favorite game. “Don’t play around with your life!”

Twister - Teacher Edition

ThursdayBlast From the Past: Dress from a past decade or as a movie character. “Learn from the past, live for the future!”

FridayThe Red and Gray Standard: Wear your favorite red and gray gear and your homecoming t-shirt. “Show school pride and our standard!”

Order of Operations

The students have just finished taking an assessment over Order of Operations. Throughout the unit, the students learned several strategies to solve the problems as well as learned a song to remember the steps for solving. 

Click here to see the Youtube video for the rap song -->            Order of Operations Rap Song

Students in classes 3-7 will begin a project involving the Order of Operations. Below is a sample as well as an explanation of what is expected with the project.

On Google Classroom, the students will be provided with directions for the project, a sample Google Presentation and the above images.