Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy Pi Day

Thursday, March 13, we celebrated Pi Day (3.14). For this celebration, we, mathematics teachers, created a day of activities and opportunities for students to learn as much about the number Pi & its importance. Some of the activities we planned included:

Memory Challenge
We issued a challenge that tested the student memory. Pi starts off with 3.14 and goes on forever. How many of the infinite numbers can they remember? The students had one week to memorize them in order. Below are the first 25 digits of Pi:


The top contestants from each class that correctly write the most digits of Pi:
(From left to right)

Marcey Gray, Savannah Neal, Jayma Branham, Alyssa McCormack, Alana Hinson, Meredith Howard, Sophie Vieman, Justin Hoffman, and Alyssa Sullivan

Find Circumference & Area of Food
Students brought in a “circular” food of their choice. The students measured the diameter and radius of their circular food in order to help find the circumference and area. 

After the students completed the mathematical portion of today's activities, they chowed down on their food & watched a short video on Pi.

First Hour

Second Hour

 Third Hour

Fourth Hour

 Fifth Hour

Seventh Hour