Monday, June 6, 2016

Goodbye Room 102

Well, May 20th was a very bittersweet, emotional day! It's my 8th year of teaching on a wonderful sixth grade team. Next year will be a new journey for me, teaching 7th grade. I've built such an amazing relationship with my team; they've become my work family, my best friends. I will miss you all tremendously, but I'll only be a few doors away! ‪#‎lovemydreamteam ‬‪#‎goodbye102

We had a good run! I'll miss this room. Freeze during the summer and sweat like crazy during the winter.

Co-Teacher, Mentor, Librarian, Media/Tech Specialist: Amy Hall, thank you for being a great mentor and friend! So grateful for the collaboration, fresh ideas, and weekly, sometimes daily chats! Good luck at your new district! Everyone will love to work with you, learn so much; they are lucky to have you! 

Lynda Dalton, thank you for "dealing" with me when I didn't know I was in a CWC teaching environment! So glad to have you in my room; such great ideas and convos! When no one mentioned the idea of having another teacher in my room my first year, you made it work and become great! So thankful for the ideas, conversations, laughs, and wonderful memories!
Mike Eads, thanks for the jokes! You were the newbie in the basement, and there was never a dull moment! Thank goodness we didn't run you off like it seemed we had done with the others. I will never forget the mom jokes, help in the classroom, and listening to me when things seemed oh so hard! Most of all, Thanks for all of the laughs! Make sure the basement stays lively and fun!  I will be down to visit OFTEN (make sure you are staying in line)! 
Devon Beste, thank you for being my best friend at work! So glad they stuck us together in the basement and forced us to be friends! We have had so many memories in the past 8 years; Tan-Tar-A is just one of our greatest bonding moments. I don't know what I will do without you next door! But there is no too far! I have loved our stories, conversations! I loved that we grew so close to each other and were able to teach MATH together for a few years even WHEN I know you weren't a big fan! Thank you for the ideas to make math a little more fun! AND thanks for the little bit of science knowledge I now have! You are great, wonderful with the kids, and I will be down to visit OFTEN! 

Shannon Via, thanks for being you! I know it's not what we want, but glad you get to come along for the new journey! Can't wait to see what our future holds!  #dominate7thgrade! I am so glad you became part of the 6th grade team; you are such a fun loving, and great person to work with. There is never a dull moment; always laughing and we ALWAYS have the same "judging" comments even if we don't say them out loud! So glad we will be neighbors next year! 

Martin Taylor, thank you for being so sincere, so thoughtful, so honest, and my accountability partner! It has been 8 great years working with you; no matter the situation, you always have the best advice for me or anyone in need. You are such a great teacher, friend, mentor, and GRANDPA! Love seeing pictures of your little guy, and how excited you are to share in his adventures. It was a different year, this year without you here for half of the year. Things were just not the same; thank goodness for cell phones and text messages! I hope you are doing great and back next year to cause more havoc with me and everyone else! Missed having your around buddy...but didn't miss hanging out in the ICE COLD classroom of yours! Don't worry I will still bring you coffee and come down for our chats and just to hang out!  

Looking back on this years worth of pictures... I am speechless, holding back tears, and thankful for the great memories! To this wonderful, amazing, chaotic, fun, and special team of mine, I am going to miss you a bunch next year! Everyone says, "Change can be good." I am optimistic, hopeful, but determined! I love teaching and working with students; it is time to learn 7th grade math and make a few new friends. BUT no one will replace these people! I've shed tears, said goodbye to a CLASSROOM (lol), cherished the memories, but now, I am ready to embrace this move. To you 5 wonderful individuals, THANK YOU! I love you like you are my family!  

Friday, June 3, 2016

6th Grade BBQ & End of the Year Fun

We, the sixth grade teachers, decided to try something new and fun with our students. We decided to have a BBQ with the entire class. The teachers supplied the meat, plates, and a few condiments and the students were responsible to sign up fro the rest. We had an overwhelming amount of food from the students!

A huge thanks to Mrs. Via for grilling the fabulous food for us and the students! She was a great hostess, with the mostest!

Below are pictures of the students... They got to sit outside, enjoy one another's company and EAT! The students really enjoyed this treat!